color - Set color table for drawing.
color (min max [int [inttype]] | -levs lev1 lev2 ... | -var var-name) [-div value] [-gxout gxout-name] [-kind string] [-alpha value] [-sample] [-xcbar [xcbar-args]] [-ret] [-verbose | -v]
Set color table for drawing e.g., shading and contour plot. You can set color setting with a combination of color name, RGB, or RGBA values. Transparent color is supported by GrADS 2.1 or later. To show help, simply run "color"
- min max [int [inttype]]
- Minimum, maximum, interval of variable values, and type of interval for color table. Follow GrADS standard if interval is not specified. inttype may be "linear" (default) or "fact".
- -levs lev1 lev2 ...
- Levels of variable value for color table.
- -var var-name
- Name of variable to draw. Minimum, maximum, and interval of variable values for color table are automatically generated following variable.
- -div value
- When min and max are specified without int, here you can set division number between [min:max]. Default value is "10".
- -gxout gxout-name
- Name for "set gxout". Default value is "shaded".
- -kind string
- Color list. Default string is "blue->white->red". See color list for details.
- -alpha
- Transparency of color. "0" for totally transparent. "255" for totally non-transparent. Default value is "255".
- -sample
- Draw color table.
- -xcbar xcbar-args
- Run to draw color bar ( is necessary).
- -ret
- Pretend to be script function.
- -v | -verbose
- Verbose mode.
Color list for "-kind" option
Color list defines orders and weights of colors. It consists of just one color list name or more than one color name, color list name, (R,G,B) and/or (R,G,B,A), which are connected with "->". If the number of levels exceed the number of colors, intermediate color(s) is (are) created by linear interpolation. You can specify "-(n)->" (n: unsigned integer) instead of "->" to connect colors; in this case, the number of intermediate colors between the two colors will become n if possible. If you specify transparency A in (R,G,B,A), it will overwrite value specified in -alpha. Belows are some examples:
- "blue->white->red"
- Blue, white, and red.
- "bluered"
- Blue, white, and red (same as the above).
- "red->white->blue"
- Red, white, and blue.
- "purple->blue->white->red->maroon"
- Purple, blue, white, red, and maroon.
- "purple->blue->(255,255,255)->red->maroon"
- Purple, blue, black, red, and maroon.
- "white->grainboe"
- White and rainbow.
- "white-(0)->grainboe"
- White and rainbow. Just one level for white.
- (127,127,127,0)->(127,127,127,255)"
- Gray, more transparent as value decreases.
color list name
color list | equivalent color name list |
bluered | blue->white->red |
redblue | red->white->blue |
rainbow | blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red |
grainbow | (GrADS default rainbow) |
revgrainbow | (GrADS default rainbow, reversed) |
color name
black | navy | darkblue | mediumblue | blue | |||||
darkgreen | green | teal | darkcyan | deepskyblue | |||||
darkturquoise | mediumspringgreen | lime | springgreen | aqua | |||||
cyan | midnightblue | dodgerblue | lightseagreen | forestgreen | |||||
seagreen | darkslategray | limegreen | mediumseagreen | turquoise | |||||
royalblue | steelblue | darkslateblue | mediumturquoise | indigo | |||||
darkolivegreen | cadetblue | cornflowerblue | mediumaquamarine | dimgray | |||||
slateblue | olivedrab | slategray | lightslategray | mediumslateblue | |||||
lawngreen | chartreuse | aquamarine | maroon | purple | |||||
olive | gray | skyblue | lightskyblue | blueviolet | |||||
darkred | darkmagenta | saddlebrown | darkseagreen | lightgreen | |||||
mediumpurple | darkviolet | palegreen | darkorchid | yellowgreen | |||||
sienna | brown | darkgray | lightblue | greenyellow | |||||
paleturquoise | lightsteelblue | powderblue | firebrick | darkgoldenrod | |||||
mediumorchid | rosybrown | darkkhaki | silver | mediumvioletred | |||||
indianred | peru | chocolate | tan | lightgray | |||||
thistle | orchid | goldenrod | palevioletred | crimson | |||||
gainsboro | plum | burlywood | lightcyan | lavender | |||||
darksalmon | violet | palegoldenrod | lightcoral | khaki | |||||
aliceblue | honeydew | azure | sandybrown | wheat | |||||
beige | whitesmoke | mintcream | ghostwhite | salmon | |||||
antiquewhite | linen | lightgoldenrodyellow | oldlace | red | |||||
fuchsia | magenta | deeppink | orangered | tomato | |||||
hotpink | coral | darkorange | lightsalmon | orange | |||||
lightpink | pink | gold | peachpuff | navajowhite | |||||
moccasin | bisque | mistyrose | blanchedalmond | papayawhip | |||||
lavenderblush | seashell | cornsilk | lemonchiffon | floralwhite | |||||
snow | yellow | lightyellow | ivory | white |
(1) Draw t with default colors (blue->white->red) from 230 to 310 by 10.
ga-> open t.ctl ga-> color 230 310 10 ga-> d t ga-> cbar
(2) Draw 10hPa u with "lime->white->red" from -50 to 50.
ga-> open u.ctl ga-> set lev 10 ga-> color -50 50 -kind lime->white->red ga-> d u ga-> cbar
(3) Draw contours with "maroon->red->white->blue->purple" from 0 to 5000 with the interval of 500.
ga-> open hgs.ctl ga-> set gxout contour ga-> color -gxout contour 0 5000 500 -kind purple->blue->white->red->maroon ga-> d hgs
(4) Draw shaded hgs with "(R,G,B)=(100,100,100)вк(100,150,0)вк(200,50,150)" from 0 to 5000 divided by 20.
ga-> open hgs.ctl ga-> color 0 5000 -div 20 -kind (100,100,100)->(100,150,0)->(200,50,150) ga-> d hgs ga-> cbarn
(5) Draw 500hPa t with rainbow shadings. max, min, and int are automatically determined according to the variable range.
ga-> open t.ctl ga-> set lev 500 ga-> color -var t -kind rainbow ga-> d t ga-> cbar
(6) Draw only 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 hgs contours with rainbow color.
ga-> open hgs.ctl ga-> set lon 60 120 ga-> set lat 0 60 ga-> color -gxout contour -levs 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 ga-> d hgs
(7) Draw sample colors "red->white"
ga-> color 1 10 -kind red->white -sample
(8) Draw sample colors "red->white" using
ga-> color 1 10 -kind red->white -xcbar 1 10 0.5 0.7 -edge triangle -line on
(9) Draw sample colors "white->grainbow"
ga-> color 1 30 1 -kind white->grainbow -sample
(10) Draw sample colors "white->grainbow" with only one level for white.
ga-> color 1 30 1 -kind white-(0)->grainbow -sample
(11) Overlay 500hPa u with transparent gray on shaded 500hPa t.
ga-> open t.ctl ga-> open u.ctl ga-> set lev 500 ga-> d t ga-> color -kind (127,127,127,196)->(127,127,127,0)->(127,127,127,196) ga-> d u
Script source code
- (necessary)
- (if necessary)
- chcase.gsf (if necessary)
- qgxout.gsf (if necessary)
color.gsf (if necessary)
- Same as except for file name.